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Andrew RobertsRubyMine: code insights or distractions? Part 1RubyMine thinks it’s smarter than other code editors. Here’s six instances where it fails. More to follow.Nov 11, 20202Nov 11, 20202
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Yann DefretinAdd a Dark Theme to a Ruby on Rails appHow quickly add a Dark Theme alternative to an existing Ruby on Rails application using SCSS and the assets pipeline.Mar 13, 2021Mar 13, 2021
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Ashvin ChoudharyMastering Ruby: A Comprehensive Style Guide and Best Practices #1Ruby is a dynamic and elegant programming language known for its readability and flexibility. To harness the full potential of Ruby, it’s…Jun 3, 2023Jun 3, 2023
Ashvin ChoudharyMastering Ruby: A Comprehensive Style Guide and Best Practices #2Welcome back to the second part of the Ruby Style Guide Series, where we’ll continue exploring some essential tips for working with Ruby. I…Jun 3, 2023Jun 3, 2023
Ashvin ChoudharyMastering Ruby: A Comprehensive Style Guide and Best Practices #3Welcome back to the final part of the Ruby Style Guide Series, where we’ll continue exploring some essential tips for working with Ruby. I…Jun 3, 2023Jun 3, 2023